Grace and peace to you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the hope of the world and the healer of our brokenness! Welcome and thanks for visiting Hope’s website. We hope you’ve found what you were looking for. If not, or you need further assistance we would be happy to chat with you. Please contact us at the information listed below. Blessings to you and yours!
Join us for Worship! ALL ARE WELCOME!
Find us on Facebook: Hope United Methodist Church
9:30am ~ Sunday School
10:30am ~ Traditional Service
*Both services will be held in the Sanctuary*
You can continue to view our Traditional Worship Services on our Facebook Site
Hope United Methodist Church (UMC) is located at:
1623 Main Street, Port Trevorton, PA 17864
Office Phone 570.374.5724CONNECT: to God, to people, scripture to life
GROW: in faith, in relationships
LOVE: unconditionally Office